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"June 2018 was the time my whole life changed. I signed up for Aaron to be my trainer and I got a life coach. He not only changed my physique, he educated me for the rest of my life and gave me the tools to live a long and healthy lifestyle.

What you get is someone who is passionate and engaged in helping others achieve their goals. I can personally say at the age of 44, I have never been in better shape, both physically and mentally.

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"Having a fitness coach in your corner to help you through the process is a huge benefit. It became a team effort. There's days where you feel tired or unmotivated. Having someone working with you becomes more than a self project. Approaching your workouts and meal plans is so much better as a team and helps keep the motivation and drive going.

Aaron and I set up a nutrition plan that will 100% maximized my progression. Wether you just want to lose weight or build muscle. Aaron knows how to take the best approach to reach your nutritional goals.

 The amount of different workouts he put into my plan was amazing. The knowledge of what to work each day and how to make the most of the equipment is irreplaceable".

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"I have been lifting weights for a long time and thought I had read enough on it to know what I was doing. It was not until I started working with Aaron that I realized how wrong I was! Being old and stubborn, it took some time to admit that I have been wrong this whole time. Aaron's thorough knowledge and easy going approach made it a very easy transition. The gradual increase in workouts helped ensure I stayed not only injury free, but pain free! Working with Aaron moved me from 217lbs to 178lbs and gave this 48yr old man abs for the first time in his life! All without cardio, which I never thought possible!

I have recommended him to coworkers, friends, family and I would highly recommend him for anyone of any age looking to improve themselves physically".



"Working with Aaron has absolutely taken my health and fitness to levels I honestly never thought I’d reach. His approach is one of intellect and adaptability. Always keeping your personal life in sync with your training, and always inquiring about how you’re feeling in every aspect of the process. His weekly check ins are honest, educational and always help me stay accountable for my training and nutrition. Aaron makes things simple, but at the same time challenging you and encouraging you without being pushy or negative. He is always available to answer questions or address concerns about anything.

I knew that joining as his client was going to be beneficial but I truly underestimated the impact of having Aaron as a coach. Aaron has me looking like I’d never thought possible.  I look forward to having this brilliant man in my corner for as long as he’ll put up with me. I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone that wants to better themselves, both physically, and mentally, to look up Aaron. You will not regret it".

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"If you have the opportunity to work with Aaron take it!

After seeing Aaron’s own personal health journey I wanted to make some changes in my life. I reached out to pick his brain about how the process works and immediately noticed a difference in what I thought the process would be. He focused on making a program work with my lifestyle. I was still able to eat out at restaurants, have drinks with friends, and partake in what I enjoy.

We focused on a gradual approach which enabled me to focus on consistency over the long term. He kept me on 6-8 week workout blocks and constantly connected on what lifts I was enjoying, had difficulty with or wasn’t seeing progress on.

Aaron was great at giving me exactly what I needed, which was supported accountability. He shared in my excitement when milestones where achieved and provided the encouragement needed when I was falling stagnant or that “rut” that we all find ourselves in.

I’m happy to report that my time with Aaron resulted in an overall weight loss of 60 pounds over 14 months. I’ve continue to work with him on winter season healthy bulk and slow summer cuts.

Long story short, if you have the opportunity to work with Aaron, take it!"



"I have struggled with fitness goals for a very long time. Part of my struggle was caused by lack of knowledge, poor nutrition and lack of commitment.

Aaron and I started working on my fitness goals in 2018 and have made some huge gains that I wasn’t sure were possible. He was able to break things down into a simple process and all I had to do was stay committed. So far I have lost just under 30lbs and made major steps in my transformation.

Aaron is the man and I look forward to continuing to work with him going forward!"

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"The fear of failing is what held me back, the fear of not knowing what to do is what made me hesitant in taking the first step.

I knew I had to make changes in my health so I took the leap and scheduled my first consultation with Aaron. I immediately felt comfortable explaining my goals, what I wanted to achieve and how I was feeling. I knew instantly that there was no judgement from Aaron,  but instead understanding from where I was coming from. At this point, we decided nutrition was going to be our main focus. Over the next few weeks I realized I was heading down a new and unfamiliar path but a path that was feeling right.  Aaron provided me with so much knowledge on nutrition and macronutrients, understanding why we were making certain changes and my health always remained at the forefront.  He was very thorough at answering my many, many questions (even when I felt they were silly).

Having Aaron in my corner and encouraging me throughout this process, lead to the success I achieved. The changes that occurred over the past months have been unbelievable and I am so thankful for taking that leap and sending the first email".



“ I would highly recommend Aaron as a coach to absolutely anyone, whether you are looking to gain or lose weight, he has the knowledge and tools to help you on your journey.   He was super responsive and very knowledgeable, and was able to transfer knowledge that I will be able to use to manage and own the future of my body”.

Testimonials: Services


“It was September 2021 and I was unhappy with my physical appearance. I was turning 50 in 2022 and decided that I needed to change my eating and exercise habits. I reached out to Aaron and we facetimed to have a meeting and go over my expectations and needs. From the very beginning Aaron was extremely positive and took the time to listen to me. He has been supportive, encouraging and celebrated my milestones as we continued my journey. Aaron was able to provide workouts and meal suggestions that fit my busy schedule with work and family life. To say it plain and simple, he made it easy. With his support and suggestions, I was able to lose 25.6lbs from October 2021 – March 2022. I feel better, look better, and have had several comments about my appearance. Aaron helped me get back on my feet by gently pushing me forward, one step at a time. If you are looking for someone to help you with your goals, I highly recommend Aaron Adkin Fitness to help you get there. Thank you Aaron!”

Testimonials: Services
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